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Cairt gnìomhachais ùr dioplmacy Sìona, tha 30 dùthaich a 'faighinn a-steach agus mhol mnathan ann an Sìona air a' ghaoth a thoirt don ghaoith

Air an t-sealladh, bha na cultaran Sìneach is Dùthchasach a 'cluich gu math. Chinese traditional acrobatic program "leading" to show the cultural charm, folk music performance program "flowers and moon", "unforgettable night" through the Forthing V9 external discharge function ringing, science and technology and art mingled. The magic show "Wonderful" interacted with Pan Hui, the product director of Forthing, adding mysterious fun and immersing the audience in the marvelous atmosphere of Chinese and foreign culture fusion.

For the wives of ambassadors who pursue quality life, the ride comfort of MPV is the key to measure its quality. Forthing V9 has a class-leading 85.2% space utilization rate, so that the ambassadors' wives are comfortable all the way. The second-row airline seats are integrated with massage, ventilation, heating and other functions, and are equipped with the rare left and right movement function, so that the ambassadors' wives can easily adjust their seats, whether they are having intimate conversations or enjoying their private time in peace, everything is under their control. Tha a bhith a 'miannachadh V9 cuideachd a' tuigsinn slighe siubhal uaine, a 'tighinn gu buil, a' toirt a-mach an cothlamadh de shàbhalaidhean lùtha agus a 'cur ris an leasachadh seasmhach nuair a bha iad a' siubhal gu comhfhurtail.


Lìn: https:://www.forthingMotor.com/
Email:admin@dflzm-forthing.com;   dflqali@dflzm.com
Fòn: +8618177244813; +15277162004
Seòladh: 286, Pingan Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi, Sìona

Ùine a 'phuist: Nov-08-2024