Chaidh a 'chiad SUV a-steach DFLZM a chuir a-steach
NoUu Luzhou Motair Co., chaidh a 'chiad SUV a-ionnan de SUV a chaidh fhoillseachadh air 24 Samhain, nach do chuir ach an ro-innleachd ùr de "UndersyThentheteotice na platfouture EMA-Edures ùr ...Leugh tuilleadh -
Forthing U-Tour| | A 'chiad mpv gus na riaghailtean ùra as ìsle a thogail ann an eachdraidh an deasachadh 2021
Tha dìonan turais a 'dèanamh an deasachadh 2021 de Riaghailtean C-NCAP anns a h-uile ceum Teicneòlas C-NCAP airson Institiùd Rannsachaidh Luchd-ciùine airson Sìona Sìona Auto Ltternoets airson ...Leugh tuilleadh -
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- A rèir feumalachdan Companaidh Liuzhou Motair Liuzhou G., Ltd. product planning, 81 lines B1 of Liuzhou Liuxin Auto Stamping CO.,LTD passenger car welding line need to be demolished and rebuilt, and a simple B1 welding line should be built simultaneously to meet the production needs of sales demand. ...Leugh tuilleadh
- San t-Sultain 2019, fhuair bacase cùl-lìn làrach-lìn oifigeil thall thairis air DFLZM rannsachadh bho Azerbaijan. Bhon uairsin, tha DFLZM agus Mgr Jalil à Azerbaijan air tòiseachadh air gnìomhachas fada gnìomhachas airson 3 bliadhna. Air 28 Dàmhair, 2022, bha fosgladh bog aig Azerbaijan aig Azerbaijan ...Leugh tuilleadh
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Is e modailean as ìsle PK, Dongfend absing a 'chiad dùbhlan draibhidh deuchainn tar-phrìs
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Ciamar a rinn DFLZIM a 'coileanadh aig rannsachadh saidheansail?
Leugh tuilleadh - A 'GABHAIL A-STEACH A-STEACH A-STEACH LE GRAIDHEAN CEANN AN CEANN-OFTERS, agus cuir fòcas air ar neart air na gnìomhan a shuidhich a' Chòmhdhail 20mh pàrtaidh. Since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held, the cadres and workers of Dongfeng Company in party member have comprehensively and a...Leugh tuilleadh
- The retail penetration rate of new energy vehicles exceeds 30%, which means that new energy vehicles have made a comprehensive breakthrough in the sales of economic and medium and large new energy vehicles, and also reflects the good performance of all kinds of new energy vehicles in the market. ...Leugh tuilleadh
- Dìreach seo an t-Sultain, lean Margadh Fuato Sìona a 'cumail suas gluasad fàis fada luath. The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (referred to: CAAM) recently released data show that in September, China's auto production and sales were 2.672 million and 2.61 million units,...Leugh tuilleadh