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Air 15 Lùnastal, is e Lin Cangbo, Manaidsear Coitcheann Dongfang Liuzhou Co., agus chruthaich mòran stiùirichean Sgioba Elite Swited Last. Together with Zhang Qi, deputy chief editor of NetEase Media, and Wu Guang, co-founder of 30 Seconds to Understand Cars, they launched the first stop of the “Ten Thousand Miles Long-Term Test and BOSS Direct Test” between the lofty mountains from Yunyang to Fusheng. They achieved an electricity consumption result of 12.2 kWh/100km, verified the extraordinary driving control and cruising range performance of Forthing S7, and demonstrated the strong brand and technical strength of Dongfeng Forthing.

Tha an deuchainn dìreach ceannard air an neo-theacsa air feadh. Bidh e a 'nochdadh mòran mion-fhiosrachadh agus a' sealltainn coileanadh fada air astar is astar S7. During the live broadcast, its interior style is simple and elegant, contrasting with the beautiful scenery of lofty mountains and highlighting Dongfeng's pursuit of oriental aesthetics.

Tha an deuchainn dìreach ceannard aig astar àrd leis a 'cheann-uidhe aig àirde nas àirde, le fòcas air dearbhachd. Tha a bhith a 'fulang S7 air caitheamh cumhachd cuibheasach a choileanadh de 12.2 KWh / 100 ccareach fo chumhachan cruaidh agus tha e anns a' phrìomh shuidheachadh am measg nan modalan aon-ìre.

Tha an coileanadh as sàbhaladh cumhachd air co-mhan-a-machs a 'tighinn air prìomh theicneòlasan lùth ùr aig Dongfeng Wondng Madyng. It has the first 8-layer flat-wire motor in China (94.5% efficiency, awarded the Energy Efficiency Star certification), a body based on the new Quantum Arch Panel (68.53% high-tensile steel ratio), the lowest wind resistance coefficient. (68.53% de stàilinn àrd-neart), agus an co-fheum aghaidh gaoithe as ìsle (0.191 CD). Lùghdachadh puing 10-sa cheud ann an aimsir gaoithe a 'meudachadh a' dol suas le 5-8 cilemeatair. Bidh an Trianaid a 'dèanamh a chaitheamh cumhachd gach 100 cilemeatair air thoiseach air toraidhean eile.

Email:admin@dflzm-forthing.com;   dflqali@dflzm.com
Fòn: +8618177244813; +15277162004
Seòladh: 286, Pingan Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi, Sìona

Ùine a 'phuist: Sep-18-2024