Fhuair Sgioba Margaidheachd thall thairis rannsachadh bho Mhgr Jalil à Azerbaijan, a 'faighneachd mu thoraidhean T5 SUV. As the purchasing manager of a large multinational automobile trading company, Mr. Jalil is seeking to establish a distribution network of Chinese brand automobiles in potential markets. Aig an àm seo, tha e ann an conaltradh le mòran suaicheantasan càr Sìneach. At this time, Mr. Jalil's target is the KD market in Oman, but because our company has a strong agent in the local market, Therefore, the client is advised to consider seeking cooperation opportunities in other markets.
During this period, the overseas marketing staff of DFLZM always kept close contact with customers, and won the trust of Mr. Jalil with their professional skills, patient service and detailed market and product analysis. Ach tha reic chroise air-loidhne thar-chrìochan, an dòigh do-fhaicsinneach seo, an-còmhnaidh na bhacadh air a 'ghnothach. Anns an Ògmhios 2021, air a mholadh DFLZM OverSasS
From 2019 to 2021, Mr. Jalil built a local marketing and after-sales technical team in Azerbaijan, looking for financial companies to solve customers' financial loan solutions. Bha teagamhan aig companaidhean ionmhais ionadail mu chàileachd suaicheantasan càr cèin, agus bha e gu sònraichte duilich am pròiseas barganachaidh gu sònraichte duilich. For our factory, it's a simple export of a few cars, but for the dealers, it's a business they've been planning for years and spent half their lives on, so we fully understand the concerns customers have before they buy a prototype.
Due to the impact of the epidemic, Mr. Jalil was unable to make a field visit to China, which made the service all the more important. Customers have never stopped the negotiation with rival brands, and our overseas marketing team's timely response and positive service attitude have established customers' trust in Dongfeng Fashion brand. Mu dheireadh, san Fhaoilleach 2022, às deidh faisg air 3 bliadhna de chonaltradh, chuir Mgr Jalil òrdugh airson 5 T5Evo + 2 t5 prototypes.
The order of the sample car was finalized, but since the customer imported the car from China to Azerbaijan for the first time, our overseas marketing team consulted many professional freight forwarders and spent a lot of energy to open up the logistics transport link for the customer. Ach, thachair an tubaist fhathast. Chaidh cnap cùil aon t5 t5vo a sgrìobadh aig còmhdhail, agus chuir an neach-ceannach 600 USD ann an càradh ionadail. Although the customer was compensated through negotiation, the customer felt that the compensation was too little and was still a little unhappy. Therefore, our team communicated and discussed with the customer, and replied to the customer with an email of nearly 2000 words, made a professional reply to the problems in the order process, explained the shortcomings in the service process and put forward the improvement plan, and put forward sincere improvement suggestions for the after-sales maintenance technical team and the selection of freight forwarder.
Seòladh: 286, Pingan Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi, Sìona
Ùine a 'phuist: nov-26-2022