Munich, tha Dongfen a 'tighinn a-rithist!
Air 17 Dàmhair, thadhail daoine air sgìre taisbeanaidh Fengxing Dengfen aig an Taisbeanadh Emove 360 ° a 'Ghearmailt.
On October 17, local time, Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor once again joined hands with Alibaba International Station to appear at the German new energy electric vehicle and charging energy storage exhibition (eMove 360°Europe), bringing a pure electric SUV that symbolizes China's new energy technology to the European market – FORTHING Friday, this is also Liuzhou Automobile's second attempt to gain momentum in the European auto market following the IAA Mobility Auto Show in Munich in September this bliadhna.
Emove360 ° Eòrpa 2523 Làrach Taisbeanadh Auto
Since 2009, eMove 360°Europe has been the top international exposition that brings together professionals in the world's new energy vehicle field, providing a professional communication and display platform for industry-leading manufacturers to jointly discuss the latest developments in the field of electric power vehicles. Suidheachadh gnàthach agus dùilean.
Talla Taisbeanadh Digition Digital "Taisbeanadh Didseatach" Craoladh beò
Cuairtich proifeasanta tadhal air Dongfend Dolking Electric Dealain Dealain SUV a 'lorg Dihaoine
FORTHING Friday's new pure electric architecture platform brings lighter, smoother and more stable pure electric driving pleasure in terms of vehicle lightweight, smooth driving and electric drive performance. Tha e cuideachd a 'sealltainn teicneòlas adhartach Sìona gu ceannaichean cruinneil. Teicneòlas agus neart lùth ùr ùr!
Tha beachdan neach-cuideachaidh sònraichte eile ann am modail Taisbeanadh "Didseail Didseatach" Tengfeng Liuzhou ". It is also an in-depth exploration of Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Group and Alibaba International Station to jointly create a digital foreign trade overseas method.
Ùine a 'phuist: Oct-30-2023